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GN20-1 Piece End Joining Machine
product description
GN20-1 Piece End Joining Machine: single needle, single thread piece-end joining sewing machine. It is designed for secondary joining by sewing together the ends of all kinds of materials such as fabric rolls and felt type products (before processing in Dyeing and Printing works) and even on the heaviest carpeting with thick backing.
        For secondary joining by sewing together the ends of all kinds of materials such as fabric rolls and felt type products

       Needle: 1;
       Threads: 1;
       Stitch range: 7-16mm;
       Overedge width:15mm  (10mm and 18mm is available)
       Max. speed: 1400rpm; Material thickness: Up to 16mm

Technical Parameters
Speed (max.) 1400r/min
Sewing thickness 10mm
Needle type GN20-230
Overedge width 10-15mm
Stitch range 7-16mm
Motor 370W
Net weight 35kg
Dimension 445×245×375mm
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